Teachers Vacancy in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Society, Chandigarh U.T.
SSA has invited on-line applications for 653 Posts of JBT teachers on contract basis up to 31.3.2013 at fixed remuneration of Rs. 16600/‐P.M (as revised from time to time by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Society, UT, Chandigarh) as per following details :‐
Vacancy Distribution:
Sr.No Name of post Total posts General OBC SC PH Ex servicemen category
1. JBT 653 323 166 83 16 36 18 9 2
Qualification for the posts of JBT teachers:(A+B is compulsory)
A (i) Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks from a recognized Board /University and 2‐years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known).
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations 2002 and2‐years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known).
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks from a recognized Board /University and 2‐years Diploma in Education (Special Education).
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks from a recognized Board /University and 4‐years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
Graduation and 2‐years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known).
B Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the CBSE New Delhi/State Government of Haryana/Punjab in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE.
C Must have passed Punjabi and Hindi at elementary level or will have to pass the same within 2 years from the date of appointment or before clearance of probation period (not applicable for the post to be filled up on contractual basis).
Age Limits:
The age limit for the posts of JBT is 21‐35 years. Age is to be calculated in reference to closing date for submission of application.
Age Relaxation & Reservation
Age is relaxable up to 45 years in the case of widows, deserted women and handicapped; up to 40 years for SC/ST; 40 years for Govt. servants and Women; and up to 38 years for OBCs. Ex‐Servicemen or any other category will be given age relaxation as per the rules of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Society, U.T., Chandigarh. The society follows rules/instructions of Chandigarh Administration in this regard. No candidate will be accorded age relaxation and benefit of reservation unless he/she attaches the requisite certificate issued by competent authority at the time of counselling/verification of documents. Under OBC category, candidates of those castes will be given benefit which is existing in the list notified by Chandigarh
Administration and Central list of OBC meant for U.T., Chandigarh. List of OBC category is available on the website of Society.
Selection Criteria:
Selection Criteria is divided in four components:
1. Academic Qualification (Senior Secondary)
Marks assigned: 20
Calculation of Score : (Marks Obtained / Total Marks) X 20Marks assigned: 20
2. Professional Qualification
(2‐years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known/B.El.Ed.)
Marks assigned: 20
Calculation: of Score (Marks Obtained /Total Marks) X 20
3. Higher Qualification
Weightage for total marks:: 10
Graduation 5
For Graduation: (Marks Obtained /Total Marks )X 5
B.Ed. 2
For B.Ed.: (Marks Obtained/Total Marks) X 2
Post Graduation 3
ForPost Graduation: (Marks Obtained/Total Marks)X 3
4.TET score
Weightage for total marks: 50
Calculation of Score: (Marks Obtained/Total Marks) X 50
Grand Total: 100
Procedure for Submission of Online Applications:
1. Online applications will be accepted from 13.03.2012 to 03.04.2012 on the website of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Society, Chandigarh i.e. www.ssachd.nic.in or www.recruitment.cdacmohali.inOnline Application Direct Link: Apply for the JBT Teachers, SSA
2. Application fees (non‐refundable) amounting to Rs. 300/‐(Rs. 150 in case of SC) will be accepted online through challan. Candidates belonging to SC category must ensure that they have valid certificate issued by competent authority in their name. In case at the time of verification of documents it is found that certificate is not valid, their candidature will be rejected. Candidature of such candidates will not be considered under general category as they have paid less fees which is applicable for candidates of general category.
3. To submit the application, candidate has to log in, on the website of the society i.e. www.ssachd.nic.in or www.recruitment.cdacmohali.in and click on the link “Application for the post of JBT”.
4. Any correction in the particulars can be made by the candidate himself/herself on the website up to 03.04.2012 upto 5:00 PM. For this purpose candidate has to log in by entering registration no. and password. No correction can be made by the candidate after closing date.
5. After submission of online application, registration form will be generated. Candidate has to take out two printouts of the registration form and the same has to be brought on the date of counselling along with original and photo copy of all documents.
6. Candidates are advised not to disclose password to anybody.
7. For any help for submission of online application, candidates can contact on Phone No.0172‐6619054, 6619055 from 09:00 AM to 6:00 PM only on working days.
8. All the notices and updates will be uploaded on the website of society, as such, candidates are advised to visit the site on regular basis. No intimation through post will be sent.
9. Before applying for the post of JBT, candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement. Eligibility will be checked with reference to closing date for submission of applications.
10. Detailed instructions to fill‐up online application are available on the website of the society i.e. www.ssachd.nic.in or www.recruitment.cdacmohali.in on the link “Application for the post of JBT”.
Online Filling and submission of applications: 13.03.2012 to 03.04.2012 upto 5:00 PM
Display of “fee confirmation list” of candidates with detailed particulars and score as per selection criteria who submitted application and fees within scheduled date: 11.04.2012 at 11:00 AM
Submission of proof for deposit of fees in case name is not existing in “fee confirmation list”
Upto 17.04.2012 at C‐DAC, A‐34, Phase‐VIII, Industrial Area, Mohali‐160071
Display of “provisional merit list of all candidates” who submitted application and fees within scheduled date with detailed particulars and score as per selection criteria for submission of Objections/ Grievances: On 19.04.2012 at 11:00 AM
Display of “provisional merit list of candidates called for checking of original document” and “schedule for checking of original documents” with detailed particulars and score as per selection criteria.( In the first round of process of verification of original documents, double the number of candidates than the vacancies advertised in each category will be called.): On 23.04.2012 at 4:00 PM
Checking of original document. (Detailed schedule will be uploaded on the SSA site and no intimation will be sent by post )
(Schedule of candidates who are on the merit
will be available on the Website)
1. Venue for verification of original documents will be Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sec‐10,Chandigarh. The candidates will report at the venue along with print out of application/registration form, original certificates for qualifications and proof of category, latest photograph, and self attested copies of documents. No weightage will be given for qualification/category for which original certificates are not produced on the said date.
2. No request for change of counselling schedule will be entertained.
3. Selection will be made purely on the basis of merit and simply attending the counselling schedule does not give any right to the candidate for appointment.
4. Category wise cut off score for verification of original documents will be notified and in the first round of process of verification of original documents, double the number of candidates than the vacancies advertised in each category will be called. However, the number of candidates can change in provisional /final merit list due to shifting of candidates from reserve to general or vice‐versa, ineligibility, absenteeism or due to any
other reason. Depending on requirement, there can be two/three rounds for verification of original documents.
General Instructions:
1. No print out of online application is required to be submitted. When a candidate fills up online application, his score as per criteria will be calculated and displayed immediately. Later on, when a candidate edits his particulars relating to merit points, his/her score will be updated automatically. C‐DAC will prepare the merit as per selection criteria on the basis of information given by the candidate in online application.
2. After receipt of online applications, list of all those candidates who have applied before closing date and deposited the requisite fees will be displayed within a week. List will indicate the particulars entered by the candidates and score assigned as per selection criteria. This list will be prepared and displayed without checking of documents relating to eligibility as well as higher qualifications.
3. Candidates on the merit will report for verification of original documents as per schedule to be uploaded on the website of SSA and C‐DAC.
4. Category wise cut off score for verification of original documents will be notified and in the first round of process of verification of original documents, double the number ofcandidates of the vacancies advertised in each category will be called. However, the number of candidates can change in provisional /final merit list due to shifting of candidates from reserve to general or vice versa , ineligibility, absenteeism or due to any
other reason. Depending on requirement, there can be two/three rounds for verification of original documents.
5. Candidates with D.Ed (special Education) qualification, if appointed, will undergo NCTE recognized six months special programme in elementary education after appointment.
Candidates will undergo training at their own expense and no salary for leave period will be paid. D.Ed (special Education), a course recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) only shall be considered.
6. Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the CBSE New Delhi/State Government of Haryana/Punjab in accordance with the Guidelines framed by NCTE as applicable for class 1 to 5.
7. Only those candidates who have passed Senior Secondary Examination with 45% marks before notification of NCTE for minimum qualification as per the provisions of RTE Act will be considered eligible.
8. Candidates eligible on the basis of graduation qualification and having less than 45% marks at Senior Secondary stage will not be given any weightage of higher qualification for graduate degree.
9. In case, a candidate has passed any additional subject/paper, he/she can add the marks of additional paper, if the same are beneficial to him/her. However, the marks of additional paper will be substituted with other paper, only if, a candidate produces scheme of study, pass criteria and relevant instructions of University/Board to prove that passing of paper to be substituted was not compulsory to be passed.
10. In case, a candidate has passed any additional subject/paper, he/she can add the marks of additional paper, and the marks sheet does not indicate that candidate has passed additional paper and the total is also not given in the marks sheet, marks of that paper will also be added unless and until candidate produces scheme of study, pass criteria and relevant instructions of University/Board to prove that passing of paper was not compulsory to be passed.
11. At the time of calculation of marks at B. Ed level, marks obtained by the candidate in internal, external, theory, practical and any other marks given in the marks sheet are to be added to maintain the uniformity.
12. At the time of calculation of marks at Diploma in elementary Education level, marks of 1st and 2nd year and all the marks of theory, practical, internal, external etc. mentioned in the final mark sheet will be added to maintain the uniformity.
13. Eligibility of the candidate will be checked in reference to the closing date.
Contact Address and Website:
CHANDIGARH, Phone No. 0172‐506707
Note: These posts have come out after year 2009.
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